Forum's history
The first years, and now we can even say decades, of the 21st century showed us how geopolitics is experiencing a great return to our reality. After the unipolar comma of the first years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the events of this century were lined up one after the other as catalysts and hints of a change in the geopolitical epoch and order in which we live.
The geopolitics of the present moment shows us again, paraphrasing Winston Churchill, how we see it further into the future, the further we look into the past. We are victims, in Nietzschean terms, of the eternal return of the same, a return to the geopolitics of the 19th century, in which large national states, this time gathered around major civilizational-spatial axes, fight for their spheres of interest. It is precisely for this reason that geopolitics is imposed as the key to understanding processes that do not only take place here and now, but have their own historical course, are transhistorical.
With this in mind, the third edition of the geopolitical forum will deal with the current issues of the Ukrainian conflict, its causes and consequences, and will try to provide an interpretive framework that will serve not only for understanding, but also for acting on the issue of current geopolitical forces and their consequences.
1. New geopolitics and geostrategy of the 21st century
2. Multipolar world in the 21st century, new geopolitics and the role of superpowers. The game of superpowers and the risks of the game
3. Global risk society
4. Technological risks and their geopolitical dimension, including cyber and hybrid warfare
5. Food and energy as geopolitical weapons in the global risk society
Forum's design

6. Wars for energy, food and theory in the new geopolitical realignment
7. Forced migration and refugees
8. Climate change and climate migration
9. New geopolitics and management of the global risk society
Past forums
Geopolitics of risk in the global society of the 21st century
1. Challenges of unbalanced multipolarity and geopolitical risks
2. From geopolitics to geo-internet: digital borders, technological identities, securitization
national virtual spaces and geopolitical risks
3. The future of European security in the global risk society
Global climate change in a risk society
1. Environmental safety: theoretical concepts, spatial representations
2. Migration processes, migration management and future trends related to the environment
3. Security of energy and food supply – response of the European Union
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